Wedding Bands
- 14K
- 14K White
- 14Kl
- 18K
- Alternative Metal
- Channel Set
- Cobalt Chrome
- Diamond
- Diamonds
- Estate
- Eternity
- Gabriel & Co.
- Gold
- Goldman Lux
- Goldman Luxe
- Goldman Luxe Two-Tone
- Hide Cart
- Lashbrook
- Pave
- Platinum
- Princess
- Private Label
- Prong Set
- Rings
- Rose
- Round
- Ruby
- Sapphire
- Sapphires
- Stackables
- Sylvie
- Tantalum
- Two- Tone
- Two-Tone
- Wedding Band
- Wedding Bands
- White
- Yellow
- Zirconium
482 products
482 products
Gem Platinum
14K Yellow Gold Diamond And Ruby Wrap Wedding Band
Regular price $500.00 Save $-500.00/
Diamond Wedding Band 14K Yellow Gold Diamond And Ruby Wrap Ring Set With 5 Full Cut Diamonds weighing 0.11Tw And 5 Rubies